2024: Published in Novum Artis 004. KBM Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, Exibizone , Canada, Hummingbird Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.
2021- 2024: Red Bluff Art Gallery, Red Bluff, CA. Juried Online Exhibitions, "Flora Fauna", "Botanical Art & Illustration" & "Vibrant Landscapes"
Monarch , Birth of a Nation and Haystack Rock accepted.
"Featured Artist ", Artspan, 4/23.
"Featured Artist ", Artsy Shark, 6/20/21.
Triad Gallery, Seal Rock, OR (5/97 to 6/2007
Visual Art Center, Newport, OR (Local Color, Turnaround and Human Form Shows(6/96, 6/02 and 3/03.
Leandra Lewis Gallery, Scottsdale,AZ. 5/91 - 8/91.
Sunbird Gallery, Bend, OR. (10/90-91.
Art Concepts Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA. (7/89- 9/89.
RACOCO Juried Exhibition Series,City Hall, Bend,OR 1990-91.
Fairfield Juried Art Show, Fairfield, CA.( 11/88)
Jack London Village Exibition Hall,
Oakland, CA. 6/88.
'Art in the Park", featured Artist, Martinez, CA. 9/88 and 9/89.
"Last Picture Show", Civic Arts Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA ( 5/88-6/88.
Public and Private Collectors : Oregon, Washington, California, New York & Arizona.